Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp Podcast Episode 06 - Conan Of Cimmeria aka The Epic Conan Episode



Grind Pulp Podcast Episode 06 – Conan of Cimmeria aka The Epic Conan Episode BY CROM!!! In this episode the Grind Pulp Podcast team discuss three Conan stories and three Conan movies. Things start slow but soon escalate as we get deeper into the stories and dive headlong into the Conan films. The Howard stories have become public domain and are available for free. This episode includes a special appearance of a Warlock and is the most epic Conan podcast ever! Stories: 1. “The People of the Black Circle” (1934) by Robert E. Howard 2. “Legions of the Dead” (1978) by Lin Carter and Sprague de Camp 3. “The Tower of the Elephant” (1933) by Robert E. Howard Movies: 1. “Conan the Barbarian” (1982) – directed by John Milus. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Earl Jones, and Max Von Sydow. 2. “Conan the Destroyer” (1984) – directed by Richard Fleischer. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones, and Wilt Chamberlain. 3. “Conan the Barbarian” (2011) – directed by Marcus Nispel. Starring Jason Momoa, Ron Pearlman,