Synergy Airwaves

Episode 3 - Hnin Hnin



In this episode, we talk with Hnin Hnin, Co-Director of CoFED, an organization working to address food sovereignty issues on college campuses. At the time of this recording, we were still in a bit of shock from the recent Presidential election, but the conversation is a lifting one in terms of centering what is most important; direct solutions. Hnin engages us with conversations about the history and reach of CoFED’s growing network, the struggles of students to eat and afford quality food, and the importance of joining together to achieve a common goal. Food Sovereignty is about the rights of all people to healthy and culturally appropriate food including the right to define their own food system. Food sovereignty also means that the food is produced using sustainable methods and with care for the earth. Food Inequity on College Campuses is a real struggle for many students trying to get a degree today. Though many food banks are popping up once the problem is onset, collectives and co-ops such as those in t