Synergy Airwaves

Episode 1 - Noni Session



Cathy and I were recently shopping at Mandela Foods, our local worker owned grocery co-op (and a subject of our next episode), when we met Noni Session, a local organizer and politician running for City Council, who happened to have worker owned co-ops on her platform. Noni’s campaign lies in the shadows of the Clinton vs Trump extravaganza that feels more like the worst interstellar empire sci fi ever than an actual election. Actually, to call it a sci fi is an insult to sci fi lovers. Speaking of sci fi lovers, Noni Session is not only one, (which makes Cathy very happy) but she’s an anthropologist as well. This woman is so smart, and breaks it down so clear, you can’t help but to leave the conversation feeling like change is actually happening.   Don’t get lost in the mega hype of the presidential campaign. Instead, turn with us to local politics where we can visibly see proof of change in an ever corporatized world.   Music Credit: Tori Roze and The Hot Mess - "Sweet Drank"