Liz Berg | Wfmu

Podcast #258: Tasters Choice from Dec 4, 2015



Blue Dot Sessions - "Over the Fence" - Delray Emerald Park - "GO!GO!GO!" - netBloc Vol. 48: Still… (V/A) The Fucked Up Beat - "Regret!" - (hope! Our Drones Sent From Heaven) Gingerlys - "Incandescent" - Live on WFMU's Hello Children with Faye: Nov 15, 2015 Astrometrics - "Ram It Up Their Snout" - netBloc Vol. 49: Music For The Civilized / War For The Mad Men (V/A) Cloudjumper - "Sad Eggs" - Sad Eggs Marzipan Marzipan - "Charlie Brown's Valentine's Day" - Live on WFMU's Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie: 22 May 2006 Dr. Sparkles - "Destination Sigma 957" - Classwar Karaoke - 0032 Survey (V/A) Ant The Symbol - "Blue Steel (Instrumental)" - We Can Talk About That (Featuring Johnny Ciggs) Tab and A.U.R.C. - "Tasters Choice" - netBloc Vol. 47: Grooves For The Sentient (V/A) Mitchmatic - "A Night Lost" - netBloc Vol. 47: Grooves For The Sentient (V/A) Various Artists (recorded by Bruce Miller) - "Drums and R'bab" - Badly recorded performances from Morocco 1999-2000 Various Artists (recorded by Bruce Miller) - "Santos