Soul Music Of The World

Corey: It Just Iz.....the wait is finally over!



 I predict that in the years to come, many of us will remember the first time we heard the beauty of Corey's voice. One of my greatest rewards occurs when listeners write to tell how thankful they are at the musical introductions! It will suffice to say this will be the beginning of a long lasting relationship. Our journey takes us to Amsterdam--Netherlands where Corey's debut album "Movin' On" has been released to rave reviews. A killer 16 track production, she has opened for the likes of John Legend, Adina Howard, and amazed crowds at the North Sea Jazz Festival. Isn't it about time you whet the appetite for deep soul with global reach and mass appeal?  Reach out , feel the vibe, and get to know one of my dear friends whose career is poised to take flight. Corey--Myspace Official Website