Pb & Jason

Issue 15: Band Together



This time, PB & Jason is back and in full force... As in not about one specific game! Surprise! There's a press release early on in this one. Lots of news and news opinions after that, along with a little bit of Wii, Kinect, and Move talk to go along with that. Follow it all up with a teeny bit of talk about RUSE, Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow, and Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, along with an appeal for subject-oriented listener mail! What makes a series a series? What doesn't? When is a series a franchise? Is Kirby's Epic Yarn part of the Kirby series? I discuss these ideas a little, but be sure to write in your opinion, too, in the comments or in emails. As always, it's jasonr_AT_pixlbit_DOT_com. If you can't figure that out, leave a comment and I'll help you do it. Like always, you can find the show's (brief) notes in the forum thread. No rubber bands were stretched in the making of this podcast. Why am I talking about rubber bands? Subscribe to Our Feed! Follow me on twitter! Music b