I Am Science

#2: Food



The second interview between Rodney Borgnine and Dr Jersey Jellgood takes place 10 years after their first encounter in Tokyo. After his space tourism business has gone under, Jellgood becomes a chef, launching a new culinary brand called quooking – a mystifying combination of cooking and quantum physics. This follow-up interview takes place in London as Jellgood promotes his new Quooking restaurant at St Paul’s. The Dr’s Quooking restaurants have been a success all around the world, serving up strange cosmic culinary phenomena such as the Stephen Hawking Hover Sausage and The Peking Death Mirror. Each dish is more complex and perilous scientific experiment than simple cooking, and as chefs in bio-hazard suits prepare food for the opening night in London, Borgnine confronts Dr Jellgood about the dangers posed by these creations, not only to the staff and the paying public, but to the solar system itself.