Feed The Bonfire With Debbie Peck

003: Thomas Success Wang ~ Exceptional Thinker



  Thomas Success Wang is an exceptional thinker!  He wasn’t always that way. He found himself tired of being tired.   On a mission of personal development and growth he was attending the right events - getting all pumped up and then noticed that it was wearing off after just a few weeks.  Rather than blaming the event for not working - Thomas stepped up and took 100% responsibility for himself.   He realized that in order to experience an improvement - he had to participate in his own life.  He started out committing to doing only 3-4 things on the first day - and then a bit more the next day ….. And then he found himself creating his signature program 100/100 almost by default. He restructured his thinking and noticed that his to-do list was becoming a success list.  After a several days  of adding important things to his list - he was accomplishing more in a week than he had in a previous month!    He took measured steps and found ways to increase the quality of his life and his productivity.  Finding value