Colin Thomson: Do More

030: Your Essential Launch Sequence with Joel Boggess



Joel Boggess is the host of the “ReLaunch” show, and the author of the #1 Amazon bestselling book – Finding your Voice. Joel is passionate about sharing fresh ideas, success tips and inspirations through real life stories. He is a “natural” with broadcasting, and he enjoys teaching podcast and radio show hosts on how to book great guests and have engaging interviews. Joel’s vision is that, by May 2017, after 3 years of “ReLaunch”, he would have helped 200,000 listeners to learn to believe in themselves again.   Key Take Aways:   The first people you should call are the people who already know you and like you Be specific about the actions that you need your launch team to take You're only as good as the team that you are able to assemble When putting together a team, do not just send an email blast to your entire list of contacts Instead, be careful and specific about your hand-chosen launch team Get a soft yes initially, thank them, and then tell them that you'll get back to them with more information. What