Soul Wanderings

Soul Wanderings Episode 63: Alex Anderson



Soul Wanderings Episode 63: Alex Anderson February 28th, 2018 Alex Anderson has been trained as a massage therapist and has grown into a Neural Muscular Release Therapist (NMRT) who specializes in various styles of bodywork, namely cranial-sacral, sound heath and energy modalities such as Source Point, Charkric/Vibrational work and Character Reconstitution, meaning…lets clarify and deepen your relations to yourself. Alex’s passion is purely enjoyment, lets live it up, to do this, we must be the sad, the mad, and all the in between flow so we may exist in a balance state of Tai-Chi transmutation. Alex’s purpose is advancement, change, let go of who we think we should be, to become all the present moment welcomes us to be. Learn more about Alex and contact him here: Soul Wanderings Broadcasts LIVE every Wednesday starting at 7pm EST. So Join AJ as she interviews the next "soul". You can join us at to tune in. You can al