Now That I'm Older

NTIO #174 Shane’s Kid (Talks About) Moving Out



Hello and welcome to another episode of a show that knows that the hottest friend, was always Rachel or as we like to call it, Now That I'm Older! This week we discuss Shane's son moving out of the house. And this leads us to talking about both of us moving out for the first time. Like when Kenny and one of his roommates almost killed another roommate because of hair in the sink or when Shane had a roommate who paid his rent in drug money that he made while selling weed out of their apartment and a whole lot more! This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: TheFilmmakersPodcast; The Awakened Soul and Drunken Opinion and we played promos for: Netflix 'N Swill and Grawlix Podcast This week's show goes out to anyone who has a trip to the DMV coming up. You know your soul is gonna be crushed from the moment you step into the office, but you have to do it. You know there is no way to avoid the feeling of dread as you walk into that door, see all those government employees who don't seem to want to