Will Chou

How To Stop Overthinking (And Everything That Comes With It: Self-Doubt, Self-Loathing, Internal Misery, and Zero Action



I got a question: “I’m driving myself to insanity with over-thinking, self-analysis, self-doubt, self-loathing, internal misery and zero action. What do I do?” Well, you’re talking to the king of overthinking. I’m definitely in the top 1% of overthinking and over-analyzing everything (I mean just look at this blog). I didn’t think I was that bad until I started journaling all the thoughts I remembered happening after dates or stressful situations. I ended up with essays that were multiple pages long analyzing every issue. These thoughts included: “If I say this, will I look weird?” “They’re judging me because I’m one of the only Asians here.” “Do I look weird or awkward? Why aren’t they talking to me? Do they hate me?” When I showed it to people I trust, they were blown away by how much I thought. For some guys, all they think about during a single date is