Work Ninjas

WN#4 BetterYou



Welcome to Work Ninjas where we explore our relationship with work and the invisible forces that influence our professional lives. Join us as we share thought-provoking podcasts and discuss how the concepts and lessons apply to our work and daily practices. Learn practical techniques to navigate the proverbial china shop with agility, grace, and precision. Welcome Ninjas - Your training begins now. This week: Jia decided to tackle his life-long fear of rejection because he realized it was holding him back from trying anything new. So for 100 days, Jia recorded himself asking random requests that he figured would be declined. Jai thought that if he could desensitize himself, he could master his fear of rejection. If you've ever felt the sting of "No", Jia's message will resonate with you. Join us as we explore rejection can be one of our greatest gifts if we are open to learning from it.