Now That I'm Older

NTIO #184 The Cat’s Out of the Bag



Hello and welcome back to a show that remembers when we all had pagers and if you got a 911 code on a page, that meant you needed stop and find a payphone, as quickly as possible! This week we discuss dog birthdays and how Kenny gives Shane tons of crap about his dogs having a birthday party, complete with cake. Seriously, if anyone out there does this too, please let us know, so Shane doesn't feel so alone! Then later on we discuss a scary cat bath incident, and we close the show talking about creepy animatronic animals at Chuckie Cheese and Showbiz Pizza Parlor! This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Not-So-True Crime; Recon-Cinemation and Parental Content Podcast and we spun promos for Believer/Skeptic Podcast and Decomposition Podcast! So check them out, AFTER you listen to NTIO! This week's show goes out to everyone who's sitting in the doctor's office right now, in the exam room, waiting on the doctor. We know it feels like forever when you are waiting for a physical or test results or wh