Perfect Imbalance Podcast

An effective mindset – episode 11



Interview with Lindsay Woodford Applied Sports Psychologist and Senior Lecturer at University West of England in Bristol talking about a winning mindset and what she likes to refer to as an 'effective mindset'. An ex-rower and now dressage competitor, Lindsay helps athletes mentally to prepare and perform. She has worked with Bath Rugby, England Rugby, GB Triathlon and GB BMX in the past and is currently working with a gymnast, ballroom dancers and athletes transitioning out of sport. Lindsay shares that an effective (winning) mindset is one that facilitates growth. She sees loving what you're doing as a key to life; helping both mental and physical health. Some of her work with the athletes focuses in on resilience and how others can develop this. Learning through failure and not fearing it; seeing failure as an opportunity to learn. In her line of work, failure is still an issue and a frustration. As part of developing an effective mindset, Lindsay seeks to understand; What's driving it? What th