Listen To Alfred

Listen To Alfred - Life In Shaftesbury - Episode 9



This time on Alfred, the podcast for Shaftesbury, The Vale and Chase areas of North Dorset and West Wiltshire: News to cheer Shaftesbury cheese lovers! A much-loved cheesemonger is coming back to town - and this time she’s going mobile! Alfred talks with Carolyn Hopkins, former manager of Turnbull’s, about cheese choices and the town’s passion for Gorgonzola. (00:25) How West End theatre and Covent Garden opera, relayed live from London, has boosted Motcombe Memorial Hall’s finances. Alfred attends the meeting where villagers debate the proposals for a second hall. (06:22) There’s free yoga in Shaftesbury on Saturdays throughout August. The organiser guarantees that you’ll feel better. Find out why she’s doing it and how Kirsty could improve your life. (11:04) New good causes will get cash from Shaftesbury Carnival. Alfred chats with co-chairman Derek Beer. And Derek offers tips on how to drum up volunteer support. (15:35) Shaftesbury oldest known artefact, found on Castle Hill, could be 500 million years old