Losing Our Religion

I'M A LOSER: Songs, Dictatorship, Democracy, Hypocrisy, Non's, and More Guns: Thomas Paine



LISTEN ON iTunes | Soundcloud | Stitcher | Google Play | TuneIn | iHeart I'm A Loser, happens every month, at the end of the month. You send us stuff, and we discuss it. In America, we are in the midsts of another insane election season. One where our nation seems to be in the middle of internal turmoil, killing each other, and armchair politics running wild. Let this Thomas Paine quote be a reminder to look past ourselves. Seek to live peaceably with one another, and to drop ideologies, politics, and religion that aim to divide us not strengthen us. We can love each other globally IF you, and I will do it locally. The Losers bring a great song, articles, conversation, and gratitude to this episode!   RECOMMENDED LOSER READING: http://amzn.to/2a9MdQr   Give us a Rating & Review