Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 033: Growing Up In This Mess Together: Rob Femur



A continuation of Rob and I's fun night of drinking together. We have a great time talking about the changes we are seeing in our neighborhood of Capitol Hill, what we feel Seattle is losing, and how we feel about it. You can tell how much we love our current hood and at the same time miss our old neighborhood. This is a must listen to episode because of the beautiful spirituality expressed in our connection together. As well as Rob's ability to call me out on my own shit shut me up when I'm talking too much, and mutually honor each others art and lives together. Rob asks me some very specific questions about my life, faith, church attendance, and what being a "believer" looks like post-institutional religion. If I'm not in church, what keeps me going? It is so beautiful how we discuss our faiths and our idea of growth as human beings in such candid, honest, and messy ways while coming from two entirely different backgrounds and viewpoints. But the conversation doesn't stop there. Rob gives his two cents abou