Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 030: Midlife Crisis, Ego, and Desire: Part 1: Seth Taylor



"All religion is born from anxiety." Seth Taylor Seth is a crazy ass, mystic, shaman-like, wise, amazing guy. At least, he is to me.  He was featured in EPISODE 014, one of your favorite episodes. He's also a husband, father, and author whom you can read on XXXChurch and his new book. Much of his story of healing has come through his struggle with pornography and his desire for freedom. In reading Seth's writings, you'll often hear him reminding us that porn, and other addictions are not the problem, they're the symptom. Seth has become a friend through our experience with him through Losing Our Religion. It's something I've grown grateful for while still being highly skeptical of the mysticism he embraces. We both divulge some very vulnerable things we are going through right now, and he has a natural wisdom that flows out of him that is arguably the most helpful therapy I have had in a long time. Midlife Crisis When you're going through a midlife crisis, when your marriage is starting to break down, when yo