Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 014: Jesus Chakra & Porn: Seth Taylor



This may very well be the most transparent and meaningful episode we've recorded yet. (At least in regards to my own experience of losing my religion.) A journey into the depths of my own past hurts, current fears, and repressed anger that I am still endeavoring to be free from. Owning my own shit and slowly learning how to cast off the net of religion. By which I grow continually free of anger I've held against the ones that introduced me to the religion. Growing to love all people equally is not a task as a human I may ever reach. Certainly not one I can reach alone. Seth, a self-proclaimed Christian Mystic shows me a path. But it's not a new one. I've been shown it before. Many times before. But I am finally getting to a point of suffering to take the deeper journey onto this path. This episode you have the opportunity to be a fly on the wall to some of my own revelations and desires. Imagine you're the fly over looking our conversation from my therapists bookcase. But instead of crying, we're are drinking