Now That I'm Older

NTIO #188 The Wrongest Side of the Tracks



Hey guys, welcome back to a show that remembers exactly where we were when Kurt Cobain died, or as we like to call it, Now That I’m Older. This week on NTIO #188 we talk about the aftermath of Kenny banging the stripper a couple weeks back and then we get into drug deals the two of us have been involved in, over our lives. Kenny didn’t get involved in making drug deals until he was in his twenties and Shane got started much earlier. Like around 9 years old, on a trip with his dad to the wrong side of the tracks, while his two year old brother was in the front seat! This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Fulfill My Fantasy; Gabbing With Ghouls and BeingTherePodcast and we shouted out: Grave Girls Podcast and The IMDB Journey Podcast This week's show goes out to anyone who is going through a shitty time in your life. This week we're skipping the joke here, because seriously someone out there probably has tons of crap weighing them down that they wish they could just let go of. Well this show is f