Rare Faith Podcast

#50: Why Do My Finances Never Change



In this audio, Katie Vrajich interviews me as part of her Healthy, Happy Women Summit, where she interviewed five different women about topics she has found that women struggle with most: body image, food relationship, money relationship, parenting, sexuality, and mental health/self-care. Leslie's topic was on the money relationship segment. Get the free resources mentioned on the audio at RareFaith.org As Katie says: “When you’re slogging through trials it is definitely easy to lose sight of where we’re going and why! I feel a renewed desire to share what I know and lift all the rest of the people who are currently slogging.” Participant Feedback: “THANK YOU…!! The cure for doubt is action… :)!! God cannot steer a parked car… The solution to every problem is only an idea away… What is the one thing, to do today? Decide what I want, and put it into writing, and then imagine… THANK YOU Leslie and Katie…” -Tina “That was wonderful! I really enjoyed the positive feeling today. I will go check out your book