Rare Faith Podcast

#30: Heaven Wants You to Live Your Purpose



If you're serious about living your purpose, then isn't it time you learned principles that make it possible? Leslie and her long-time friend and mentor Marnie Pehrson come together to help you believe that what you need is really much closer than you think. Principles discussed on this audio include Polarity, Gestation, Relativity, and the Formula: FC = MC*RC. Remember, "There is no such thing as stuck, until you’ve decided that you’re done. But that’s a choice." ~ Leslie Householder Resources related to this podcast: School of Life Mastery http://www.prosperthefamily.com (look for the online version) Have your own message to share? http://www.ProfitableAuthor.com http://www.ThoughtsAlive.com/mentor-training The Visual Aid that changed everything (Stickman Video) https://tinyurl.com/visual-aid-changed-everything Free Download of the Portal to Genius book: http://www.PortaltoGenius.com Killing Sacred Cows book: https://tinyurl.com/killing-sacred-cows