Rare Faith Podcast

#27: How to Profit from Your Losses



In this program, Leslie talks about three reasons we have setbacks, and what to do so that the hidden benefit contained in every adversity can be realized. This program was originally recorded for Hilton-Johnson's Global Teleclass Summit in 2009. Class participant feedback: "Leslie is an absolute awesome teacher and motivational speaker! She is very knowledgable of the subject matter she teaches and is "real", a trait you don't often find in people once they reach her level of public recognition. She is humble and sometimes shares stories relating to her own struggles and weaknesses which connects her to her audience in ways many others are missing. She also unashamedly recognizes God for His role in in our success stories. I will continue to seek out, read and watch any material Leslie has to offer." "The Class material was absolutely awesome. So much of what Leslie teaches is exactly what I need to hear at this time for my own personal growth. And I love how she is so genuine and honest about her own