Rare Faith Podcast

#24: How to Know if You'll Reach the Goal



Pursuing a big goal can be EXHAUSTING! What makes it even harder, is that nagging voice in the back of your mind that says, "Who are you kidding? What makes you think you can actually pull this off?" Well, there IS one clue that can assure you that your goal really CAN - and WILL - be yours if you just keep at it. Sometimes that little assurance is all we need to muster the strength and courage to take one more step. And then step-by-step, we get there. Resources mentioned: Jackrabbit Factor ebook - http://www.jackrabbitfactor.com The Visual Aid that Changed Everything - https://tinyurl.com/visual-aid-changed-everything Leslie's most powerful program - http://www.prosperthefamily.com Genius Bootcamp - http://www.geniusbootcamp.com