Rare Faith Podcast

#1: Trusting Your Instinct



In this teleclass recording, Leslie reveals: How to enlist, recognize, and trust your gut instinct. How to stake your claim, and why putting it in writing is critical. How to do seemingly impossible things if you have the right perspective. How to get the timing and direction right for your next step. How take the right action with confidence. How to get sight of your goal again if it vanishes out of view. Leslie also explains why being good at ‘doing what she was told’ had become a handicap, and why her ‘genius’ was underdeveloped. Discover why ‘doing what winners do’ does NOT guarantee you’ll win, too. This program will help you understand and implement the important principles governing your ‘inner voice’ so you will more naturally be able to enlist it, recognize it for what it is, and trust it to take you where you want to go.