Now That I'm Older

NTIO #197.5 When Murder Spins Out of Control



Hello and welcome back to a show that remembers when we all used to judge the kids who said they didn’t have a Nintendo and preferred Sega Genesis or as we like to call it, Now That I’m Older! This week we talk about a couple of encounters in the dating world. One of these includes Kenny, riding shotgun with one of our friends that flirted with a girl, went to her house, only with the intention of eating all of her food. Then later we talk about Shane getting caught in a super weird hook up situation, where the girl’s exhusband showed up at her trailer, in the middle of the night and started beating on the walls. Then we close with Kenny racking his pistol at someone, just a couple of weeks ago. This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: AK_podcast; Kieran's Movie Space and specialunknown and spun promos for: InSession Film and #NoOffense Show And this week's show goes out to all the former rock stars out there. You know who I'm talking to. The guy or girl who spent years telling everyone t