Perfect Imbalance Podcast

Sleep; the myth of 8 hours – episode 27



On this episode I interview Nick Littlehales, Elite Sleep Coach and author of Sleep; the myth of 8 hours, the power of naps and the new plan to recharge your body and mind. Very soon into our conversation, Nick talks about the need for downtime and recovery. He goes on to share his journey so far and the paradigm shift that he's starting to see in relation to how people view sleep and recovery. Nick talks about there being no budget for sleep in a lot of sports and businesses that he's gone into. Sleep and recovery are relatively new concepts compared to diet and exercise. It's fascinating to hear Nick explain chronotypes and the impact that this has and can have on our sleep and recovery. For those not familiar with chronotypes, essentially we are talking about whether you are an 'am'er or a pm'er'! In simple terms; are you a morning person or not! The book 7 steps to Sleep smarter: Included in Nick's book are a number of 7 steps including; Circadian rhythms Chronotype Cycles not hours Pre & p