Public Speaking With David Murray

Two ways to make you ‘Look and Feel confident’ – 025



In this episode I share with you two techniques that will help you look and feel confident when delivering speeches and presentations. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: I call the first technique 'Calming your Nerves' and you can use this in your preparation before the big event. I guide you through an exercise where you focus on breathing and count your breaths. This can help you feel calm, centred and ready to deliver confident speeches and presentations. I call the second technique 'Confident Posture' and you can use this whilst you are delivering your speech or presentation. By simply having your hands out to your front and side, this will give you the appearance of someone who believes in what they are saying and is worth listening to. Try to avoid folding your arms, having your hands in your pockets and keeping your hands behind your back. The more open and confident your p