Public Speaking With David Murray

Two techniques to show you have ‘Practiced and Prepared’ your speech – 037



In this episode I share with you two techniques that will prove to yourself and your listener that you have practiced and prepared your speech. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: I call the first technique 'Lose the filler words'. Have you ever noticed how speakers can sometimes use filler words like “ers” and “ums”? Or perhaps you have used them yourself when delivering a speech or presentation? They are likely to appear whilst speaking when we are thinking of what to say next or trying to decide between alternative ways of expressing a point. They essentially fill the gaps in our speech whilst we are pondering our next words. Simply using a PAUSE can help remove those “ers” and “ums” with ease. I call the second technique ‘Tying a bow’. We all like gifts, don’t we? Well, here is a clever little technique for you to use when preparing to give your next talk. Give your listener