Memento Mori Stories

Three Objects I Love



I would love to share the story of the three objects that I love and the meaning they have for me. First of all there’s a gold and silver bowl. I happened to see it in a brochure someplace and I just had to have it. And the reason I had to have it is it reminded me of a song from Girl Scout Camp, which was: Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. The second object I selected that is meaningful to me is a painting that my Aunt Rose painted. It was her first oil painting, her first painting. But when I saw or heard about this painting that she had given to her neighbor because the neighbor’s friend had passed so Rose gave her this painting. The third object that I selected was some wallpaper. I recently moved back into my childhood home. The house is entirely painted but the house had always had wallpaper in the dining room. So I was looking for a wallpaper and as soon as I saw this particular wallpaper I said that’s it. It’s a picture of pussy willows but they are fille