Now That I'm Older

NTIO #208 Would You Rather – NTIO Style



Hello and welcome back to a show that remembers when all 4 of the Golden Girls were alive and how that shit was appointment television or as we like to call it Now That I'm Older. This week we are doing something we have never done on the show ever, Would You Rather! We spend an entire episode trying to answer Would You Rather questions and basically Shane has to spend the entire episode trying to get Kenny to stay on task. This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Tom Hanks Defence Force; The Grey Podcast and Freudian Sips and we spun promos for: AfterBurn 739 Podcast and The Countdown Pod! Check out their shows as soon as you're done with us! This week's show goes out to anyone who's moving. Not because of anything funny...but because that shit sucks. Here's to you moving guy. We can't make it better or get your uncle with a truck to come help but we can help you laugh a little, while you carry boxes! Have a great week guys! BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THAT I'M OLDER HERE: FACEBOOK ITU