Hampton High By Tim Platt

The Talent Show (w/ Branson Reese, Edy Modica, Brian Fiddyment, and Francesca D’uva)



So, you wanna hear something cool? I hosted this year's Rockville Prep Talent Show! The Talent Show is a pretty big deal at Rockville, so it was a huge honor when I was asked to host it. And YOU KNOW I recorded the audio so I could share it with you on the pod. The show started out great. I came onstage, told some jokes, did a little roasting -- but things quickly went south when I was kidnapped and taken into the sewers underneath the school. A truly terrifying experience that will stick with me for the rest of my life. But hey, at least it's a crazy story I can tell at parties! — PLEASE SUBSCRIBE/RATE US on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. HAMPTON HIGH is a Forever Dog Podcast. http://foreverdogproductions.com/fdpn/podcasts/hampton-high/