Hampton High By Tim Platt

Tagan, Queen of the Sophomores (w/ Karolena Theresa)



I'm gonna be real right now. This interview kinda pissed me off. Tagan Jones, the "Queen Bee of the Sophomores," asked to come onto the pod and I (happily) said yes. She's super smart, popular, an admirer of my show and I truly thought she'd be an amazing guest. But by the time I uncovered the REAL reason why she wanted to be on the show, it was too late... Be warned listeners. In this ep, Tagan Jones comes for my crown! --- PLEASE SUBSCRIBE/RATE US on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. HAMPTON HIGH is a Forever Dog Podcast. http://foreverdogproductions.com/fdpn/podcasts/hampton-high/