Perfect Imbalance Podcast

Tough and feminine



On this episode I share my interview with Sarah Williams, host of the Tough Girl Podcast & Founder of Tough Girl Challenges and we explore how Sarah came to create something that is 'tough and feminine'. Recognised by the Guardian in 2018 as one of the top 10 most inspiring contemporary female adventurers, Sarah epitomises everything that Tough Girl is all about. On work-life balance Sarah says; Work-life balance is this wonderful dream and these fabulous words which get banded about and is something that I massively struggle with as I don't really have it. Sometimes I like to think I have it but generally I go from one extreme to the other. Background Sarah has an on-line brand called Tough Girl Challenges which is all about motivating and inspiring women and girls. Encouraging them to dream big, to live their life to the fullest as well as to travel, to explore, to get fit and to go on adventures. She does this through a number of ways including; having a blog, a podcast, writing books and part of her