Classic Poetry Aloud

528. Answer to an Invitation to Dine at Fishmongers Hall by Sydney Smith



S Smith read by Classic Poetry Aloud: Giving voice to the poetry of the past. --------------------------------------- Answer to an Invitation to Dine at Fishmongers Hall by Sydney Smith (1771 – 1845) Much do I love, at civic treat, The monsters of the deep to eat; To see the rosy salmon lying, By smelts encircled, born for frying; And from the china boat to pour, On flaky cod, the flavour'd shower. Thee, above all, I much regard, Flatter than Longman's flattest bard, Much honour'd turbot! sore I grieve Thee and thy dainty friends to leave. Far from ye all, in snuggest corner, I go to dine with little Horner: He who, with philosophic eye, Sat brooding o'er his Christmas pie: Then, firm resolv'd, with either thumb, Tore forth the crust-envelop'd plum, And, mad with youthful dreams of future fame, Proclaim'd the deathless glories of his name. First aired: 23 December 2009 For hundreds more poetry readings, visit the Classic Poetry Aloud index. To learn a little more