World Walkers

The Musical Episode – S3: Epilogue



Long ago, a joke was made that the World Walkers should do a Musical Episode. My immediate scoffing of such an idea, combined with the rest of the group’s embracing of said idea, began to feed the flames of interest. Every time we’d get together for a LiveDraw, hang out in the World Walkers Discord, or talk back and forth on Twitter, it wouldn’t be long before Musical Episode would get mentioned again. In an effort to bury the idea, I decided to put it up as a Patreon Goal. I said that if I ever brought in $500 dollars a month, that’s when I’d a Musical Episode. I then rested easy, knowing that World Walkers had a nice, long time before I’d ever have to worry about that… Well, that Goal has been achieved, and to be honest, it happened way faster than I thought. It’s taken time for us to get to a point where the Musical Episode would fit within the continuity of the series, but here we are: The Memorial for Brummelstone, who gave his years for a better timeline. The group has gathered this night to remember