
#31: How to Work the Magic of Experience Marketing in Land Rover?



Coca Cola, Samsung, Adidas, Mastercard... You name it. All these big brand names are doing more and more experience marketing. Why? Because they want to be close to their customers and get them to generate contents on all the major social media platforms. As Freeman CMO Chris Cavanaugh said, "There’s a consensus among marketers that brand experience builds loyalty.”  1. So what EXACTLY is Experience Marketing?  2. How many key elements of a successful experience marketing campaign must have?  3. What kind of preparation need to be done for a successful experience marketing campaign?  4. How to evaluate the results of an experience marketing campaign?   This event is meant to answer these questions by the lady who used to be in charge of Jaguar Land Rover's Experience Marketing. (IN ENGLISH)   Speaker: Caroline Jiang. Caroline has 10 years working experience across Canada, China, UK, and India. She is a customer experience designer and an active marketer working with Jaguar L