Sem Synergy On

The Freshly Updated SEO Checklist



[Ever wish you had a to-do list to check off as your go about your latest SEO project? Enter The SEO Checklist. For years, it’s been one of the most popular articles on the Bruce Clay Blog. It’s constantly refreshed to reflect the current SEO landscape, which is constantly in flux. The SEO Checklist just went through another refresh to reflect updates including AMP, mobile performance tools, updates to meta tag length, user intent info, E-A-T signals and more. Listen in as Bruce Clay, Duane Forrester, Virginia Nussey and Kristi Kellogg discuss the latest items on the SEO Checklist – and how to use the SEO Checklist for as a tool to persuade the C-Suite to provide budget for SEO priorities. Later in the show, they’ll shift the focus to social media marketing, and how the International Olympic Committee is addressing copyright infringement on social media./>