Now That I'm Older

NTIO #209 Slap Jazz



Hi guys and welcome back to a show that remembers when our favorite shows would go on re-runs for a few weeks and it sucked out loud...or as we like to call it, Now That I’m Older! This week we are back with all new material and the first thing we talk about is a slapping contest in Russia, where one guy looks like he may have received a traumatic brain injury from being slapped. Then we discuss Kenny trying to get a homeless person to stand in for him, during the slapping contest. Later on we discuss an event at a brewery, from back in the days when Shane was in bands and how Kenny used homeless labor then, as well. This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Not Playing Stupid Podcast; Payne in the Pod and Sodium Exposure Podcast and we spun promos for: Ghosts of the Stratosphere and SoiledRestCinema. This week's show goes out to anyone who has ever went through the agony of selling your house. It seems like this is a fresh hell that I never want to experience again and if you are going t