Christopher Kimballs Milk Street Radio

113: The Simple Kitchen



This week on Milk Street Radio, British writer Diana Henry, author of “Simple”, redefines home cooking and recalls an early memory at her parents’ home in Ireland. “I was probably about 9 and they had a big party,” Henry says. “It was a rainy night in autumn or winter in Northern Ireland. They put Frank Sinatra on and Herb Alpert and music like that. My mum had spent days cooking, the fridge was full with things we’d never seen before, honestly I can’t tell you how exotic this was in Northern Ireland. But it wasn’t just about food. Honestly, that night I could have been in Manhattan, I was in Northern Ireland and I just thought…look what food can do.” Also on today’s show, Adam Gopnik opines on chefs and madness and Dan Pashman of WNYC’s The Sporkful podcast reveals a scientific method for eating chips and dip. We’ll offer you our recipe for authentic Mexican guacamole, inspired by Diana Kennedy, as well as all-new fried eggs. And Christopher Kimball and Sara Moulton will take your calls.