Mixed Greens Podcast

MGP Session 39 Studio D.I.S.C.



Join Judy and Erica on this week’s session with our special guest Special guest Spark aka Erick. Erica is trying to quit smoking cold turkey (Kind of), routines, rituals, PTSD in children in inner cities, community outreach corners, Nipsey Hussle, motivation, Chicano art, public schools look like prison, educate each other, assassinations, trademarking words, conspiracy theories, pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Sebi, social justice, holistic doctors “committing suicide”, LAPD, Steve Harvey hate, not Harvey Levy, Mexican Hoteps, Vegan Hoteps, Tall Whites, Veggie burgers, veggie dogs, Vegan Grills, Religion, Ancient Aliens, mythology, Andrew Basiago, Studio DISC, that’s what he said, are we more racist?, learn and unlearn, and more!