Now That I'm Older

NTIO #211.1 NTIO gets Rewound



Hello and welcome to a show that remembers when the Muppets had their own variety show, complete with A-List celebrities and it was hosted by freaking puppets and it was STILL more entertaining than any episode of Big Bang Theory or as we like to call it, Now That I'm Older. And I would love to say that this week we break into some awesome story or some news article that blows your mind, but no. Due to tragically unseen terms, Shane was not able to podcast this past weekend. This directly stemmed from him riding a scooter! But Kenny made Shane promise to hold off on telling this story, until they were together to record. So this week, we bring back some of our favorite clips from the past couple of years and we promise to have new material soon (hopefully next week) and the story of Shane's Scooter Extravaganza! Have a great week guys! BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THAT I'M OLDER HERE: FACEBOOK ITUNES GOOGLE PLAY STITCHER TWITTER INSTAGRAM SIGN UP TO BE A PATRON TODAY