This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

87 - One TV Show or One Musical Artist



It's time for another episode of your favorite #wouldyourather #podcast! This week Joshua picks an "easy" topic...but does he? In this world of interwebs, streaming music services, cable, subscriptions to channels and more channels and other streaming video services and other services that when added together cost as much as cable anyway, we have access to all of the media we could ever want or need. But is variety really the spice of life? Could we live without these things? This week we discuss choosing one of those media (music or tv), and boiling them down to just one option; your access to TV stays the same, but you can only listen to the catalog of one musician. Or, your access to music stays the same, but you can only watch one TV show. Which would you choose? What are the T or T crew's favorite shows and musical acts? Which medium does Joshua draw inspiration from? Why are the guys so surprised by Danielle's choice of TV show? What the hell is wrong with Chris? I mean, really? All this and more on