This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

64 - Elevator Excrement or Public Puking



Thanks as always for listening to the This or That podcast, your source for #wouldyourather wisdom. This week we reward (or punish) you for your loyalty with another compelling episode! Are you famous like we are here at the TorT podcast? More famous even? That’s what we thought. Are you so famous that a gossip columnist may be interested in your daily doings? Or to be the host of SNL? Good for you, that’s what this episode is about! You and your famous self have the good fortune of having an “accident” in an elevator with a gossip columnist. Not your cup of tea? How about hurling while you’re onstage during a live taping of SNL? This week Danielle asks, “why do we always have to talk about poop?!?” What does gingivitis have to do with either of these conditions? And most importantly, why is Chris so obsessed with Shia LaBoeuf??? Let’s find out on this week’s This or That. Listen to us at: Web: iTunes: S