This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

61 - Eaten Alive or Buried Alive



It’s a new week, which means it’s time for another exciting episode of your favorite would you rather podcast, This Or That! And this week is extra special, as we welcome our guest host Alicia, Chris’s sister! This week our choice is just plain bad, but as always we are up to the task. Death. It takes all of us eventually. Some of us will have the good fortune to go quickly and quietly. Neither of those things will happen with the two choices we’ve presented this week! Trapped in a coffin, 6 feet underground, with no escape. You’re going to die in there, it’s just a matter of when. Don’t like small spaces? How about being eaten alive by zombie children instead? It could take hours, it could takes days. There’s no way to know how long it could take to kick the bucket when being munched on by minors. What are Joshua’s greatest concerns about being buried alive? Are there members of the pod that think that they can pull a Kill Bill and punch their way out? Are children’s teeth and stomachs really as small as