This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

58 - Nasty Food, Happy Bowels or Happy Food, Nasty Bowels



It’s time for our latest listener submitted would you rather episode, passed along by Nick from Washington! I know, I know, another episode where we discuss our digestive systems. This time it’s not our fault, blame Nick. This week we decide how much pain pleasure is worth when it comes to the taste of your food. Imagine a world where food is delicious. So, so delicious. Every bite is a little bit of culinary heaven. Unfortunately, every time you eat said delicious food you head straight to the land of gastrointestinal distress. Now imagine a world where everything you eat tastes like moldy spicy beef jerky, but your digestion works like a charm. Which would you choose? Along the way we discuss: Joshua’s attempt to imitate Man versus Food; the “Hot Beef Rejection”; Chris’s standards for food safety; and vacation adventures. Plus lots of other serious deliberations! Delicious food with intestinal punishment, or terrible food with no consequences; which would you choose? Listen to us at: Web: https://thi