This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

56 - Sewage Swim or Body Buffet



Where ethics meets disgust is right where we like to be each week on This or That, your favorite source for #wouldyourather entertainment. This week is no disappointment as once again, poop seems to enter the conversation. No one on this podcast has ever eaten a human body. Maybe they're super tasty. But do we really want to find out? What would the alternative need to be to make this a viable option? How about swimming 2.4 miles (that's 4km for those of you not in the States) through human waste? That's right, laps in a pool filled with poop. The smell. The texture. the gooey mess all over you. Did we mention the smell? We address important questions such as: What is Joshua's primary concern when it comes to eating human bodies? Are Americans really as fat as the interwebs tells us? Just how slowly does Danielle swim, and will Chris ever let her tell him? What is the one thing that would make Danielle divorce Joshua? But most importantly... Would you rather eat a human body or swim through human waste? Whic