This Or That | The Would You Rather Comedy Podcast

49 - Stinky Skunk Smells or Cheesy Hot Sweats



It’s a new year and time for a new episode! Start the year off right with a new installment prepared just for you, and make a resolution to never miss an episode of This or That! Cheese. Creamy and delicious, from cheddar to pepper jack, who doesn’t hanker for a hunk of cheese? This week we take the test of your cheesy love next level by figuring out if you still love cheese when it oozes out of your sweat glands instead of actual sweat. What about skunks? They’re cute and furry but don’t smell too great. Would you want to smell the fragrance of skunk spray 24/7 instead? This week as always, we answer the important questions. What caused Danielle’s “skunk trauma”? What are the Cheesy Fevers and how are they different from Meat Sweats? How would sweating cheese affect Chris’s (likely non-existent) sex life? Let’s find out! Sweating cheese or smelling skunk: which would you choose? Listen to us at: Web: iTunes: