The Tazz And Paula Show

Pouline Middleton - One Woman Three Men



One Woman Three Men - written by Pouline Middleton. This unusual investigative authors latest book sets out to explore the different perspectives on romance with an eye to blending philosophy, fiction, and real-world relationship concerns. Nothing is perfect or easy here, whether the goal is traditional or alternative in nature—but in the course of following this diary writer’s life and revelations, readers gain a better sense of the sexual and psychological differences between men and women and the ideals and realities that can come between them. “As a woman" Pouline says, "I’m living in a golden age. There are so many possibilities for coupling, I can live exactly the way I wish to live—or so they say." What am I dreaming of? Or should I ask: what is my mind dreaming of? It seems we’re not always in agreement.” Exploring such possibilities in a truly different fashion involves re-examining one’s illusions, delusions, the precedents set by powerful social innovators of women’s rights (such as Erica Jong a